Our Members Talk About Why They Joined APRx...
“American Pharmacies is the missing piece of the puzzle for my business. They bring more value to community pharmacy of any organization I have seen. APRx’s strong legislative, legal, and economic efforts bring me great comfort because I know they are fighting for our future.”
Doug Eakman
Medical Arts Pharmacy, San Angelo, TX
"I do my homework before I pull the trigger on anything. The advocacy of AP was a missing piece that independents so desperately need to fill. There really isn't an organization in in this state that supports independent pharmacy. When you add in the better buying power, it clearly was an obvious decision."
David Lansford
Roden-Smith Pharmacy, Clovis, NM
"It's a large, diverse group and a good cross-section of Texas independents. We're all in the same boat and have the same issues. American Pharmacies was the best of the options I saw out there as far as helping you with more than just the cost of goods."
Dan Jespersen
Ben Franklin Pharmacy, Duncanville, TX