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American Pharmacies
A Co-Op Owned by Independent Pharmacists
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Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Us to Learn More
There are so many pharmacy purchasing groups. What's different about yours?
We believe we offer the best package of purchasing economics, generics management expertise, data analytics, premium vendor programs and customer service of any buying group in the nation. And we have an unequalled commitment to assertive legal and legislative advocacy to defend your business model. We strive to be a total solution to our members and constantly find new ways to deliver more value. Character matters to us, so we're 100% transparent with our members and our wholesaler, AmerisourceBergen.
Who owns & runs American Pharmacies?
APRx is a cooperative that is 100% owned by its members. We have a seven-member Board of Directors elected by our membership. Any active shareholder who has been with us for five or more years is eligible to seek a seat on the Board. The Board provides strategic direction and decision-making for APRx, while President
Laird Leavoy
directs daily operations through our staff.
What do you mean by "APRx is 100% transparent?”
Transparency means that all our members are treated equally -- that even the smallest member pharmacy has the same voice and vote (1) as the independent with 10 stores. It means there are no special deals for big stores or for our Board members. There are no hidden payments or contracts, no “sweetheart deals” for a privileged few. We have nothing to hide and and return 93% of all revenue to our members. Our wholesaler -- AmerisourceBergen -- has full knowledge of our member pricing and rebates.
With APRx, what you see is truly is what you get.
Wholesaler discounts & rebates are important, but what other economic benefits do you offer?
APRx created its own data analytics program -- RxCOMPASS -- to give our members powerful tools to identify financial and adherence opportunities in their dispensing data. Our secondary generics program with ParMed is a carefully monitored savings channel. Our preferred vendor program delivers discounts on products and services from top companies that align with our mission and values. We have built new revenue offerings for our members in areas like long-term care, hospice care and point-of-care testing while exploring other opportunities to generate non-dispensing income.
Will I get locked into contract pricing that worsens over time?
Our Evergreen pricing model keeps our buying plan immediately responsive to market conditions so you always get full value from falling prices.
Our VP of Sourcing and Consulting Services, John Cooper, consistently identifies market opportunities that benefit our members. He monitors AmerisourceBergen's pricing and provides valuable feedback to the wholesaler to help it respond more quickly to market changes. American Pharmacies’ expert sales team stays in constant touch with our members to help them earn maximum value in our purchasing relationship.
Why is a group purchasing cooperative involved in advocacy?
We took an aggressive role to defend independents' political interests in Texas because no one was doing it well. We created the Texas Pharmacy Business Council, the national leader in pharmacy legislative victories. We have since expanded our efforts to Michigan, Tennessee, New Mexico, Arizona and other states, passing a total of 16 bills. At the start of 2023, we hired a Washington lobbyist and entered the federal advocacy area. PBM abuses profoundly damage your bottom line, so
a better question is: "Why don't other buying groups fighting as hard for your political interests?"
What happens if I decide to leave American Pharmacies?
If you are not a stockholder, our relationship simply ends. If you are a stockholder and decide to no longer purchase through our wholesaler agreement, you may still retain your stock as an inactive member. You will not be entitled to future monthly rebates or other incentives, but will not forfeit any rebates to which you are already entitled. If you redeem your APRx stock, you forfeit all entitlement to any payments. We will never withhold any payments properly due to you or present you with dubious charges or fees designed to reduce or cancel out whatever you are owed.
We doubt you will ever want to leave, but, if you do we'll treat you with the fairness, transparency and professionalism that define us.
Who do I contact to get more information about American Pharmacies?
Simply fill out
this form
and email it to
[email protected]
and we’ll get back in touch with you promptly. Or just call our toll-free number – 877-634-5445 – and let us know how we can help you.