Federal Advocacy

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Uploaded via media manager.Building on our reputation and accompliushments at the state level, APRx entered the federal arena in January 2023 to focus our talents and resources on critical issues affecting independent pharmacy.

We engaged the firm of Roberti Global in Washington, D.C., to represent our federal interests. A highly regarded bipartisan government affairs firm with offices in Washington, New York City and London, Roberti has consistently ranks as one of the nation's top federal lobby firms. Steven Irizarry, co-founder and managing partner at Roberti Global, is our chief liaison at the firm.

Michael Wright, American Pharmacies' VP for government affairs, spearheaded our launch into the federal arena, calling it a logical extension of our highly successful record in a growing number of states.

"We have a very focused, systematic approach in our legislative efforts. Part of that approach is identifying and partnering with the most successful and respected lobbyists. That has been integral to our successes, and I am confident that Roberti Global will help us make a positive impact in Washington."

The Scope of Our Federal Involvement  

Wright says American Pharmacies takes the long view on passing legislation in the challenging federal arena, however, we have identified specific, incremental objectives that will help alleviate the onerous fiscal obstacles that independent pharmacies face daily.

Our Washington goals include:

  • Identify and build relationships with key members of Congress and federal regulatory agencies.
  • Build stronger cooperative relationships with the National Community Pharmacists Association, the AmerisourceBergen lobby team, the American Pharmacists Association, the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, oncology and dermatology groups, and patient advocates.
  • Aggregate and leverage our members' existing federal relationships to build stronger pharmacy support in Congress, especially with influential members of key committees.
  • Leverage the strong relationships we have built with legislators in multiple states to help advance the independent pharmacy agenda at the federal level.
  • Pursue meaningful regulatory reform outside Congress at the Federal Trade Commission, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Department of Labor and other key agencies.
  • Improve our members' awareness of key federal issues and motivate more of them to get involved.
  • Identify the best times and opportunities to engage with Congress and coordinate that effort; and
  • Use the experience and reputation we have built at the state level to energize our federal efforts.

In addition to hiring a top-flight lobby firm, American Pharmacies has a Federal Advisory Panel made up of pharmacist members from eight states, who act as advisors and leaders in our federal initiatives.